Health, Safety, and Environment
The landmark achievement during the year was the achievement of 19 years without a Lost Time Accident on 2 May 2021. This safety record is not merely a statistic but represents a lot of effort by all the individuals working at the plant. The Barka team strives to improve its work practice based on both internal and external reviews of its safety culture.
Safety remains your Company’s topmost priority. The Operator has completed all maintenance activities including the repairwork related to generator failures without any accident, which is a remarkable achievement considering the hazards involved with such activities. Preserving the environment is also one of the key considerations of your Company. We are pleased to inform you that there were no environmental exceedances during the year.
The Company with help of its Operator remained vigilant and handled the pandemic with utmost care. Several initiatives were introduced at the plant site to ensure the safety of everyone. The Company continued to comply with requirements and guidance issued by the relevant government authorities.